True SLA Uptime Calculator

Daily1m 26s
Weekly10m 4s
Monthly43m 50s
Quarterly2h 11m 29s
Yearly8h 45m 57s

What's the Deal with Uptime and SLA?

Imagine your favorite online service - like a website or app - being available and working smoothly 24/7. That's what uptime is all about! And to ensure that happens, we have something called a Service-Level Agreement (SLA). It's like a promise between you and the service provider to deliver a certain level of quality and reliability.

How Do We Keep Things Running Smoothly?

We use a combination of clever tricks to prevent downtime: redundancy (so if one system fails, another can take its place), monitoring (to catch any issues before they become big problems), and alerting (so our team can jump into action quickly).

Why Do Percentiles Matter?

  • For example, 99.9% uptime means that your service might be down for just 1 minute and 26 seconds per day. That's pretty good, right?
  • But 99.99% uptime is even better - that's less than 9 seconds of downtime per day!
  • And if we're really on top of our game, we can achieve 99.999% uptime, which means less than 1 second of downtime per day. That's like having a super-reliable best friend!