Impact Downtime Cost Calculator

Monthly Lost Revenue$0.00
Yearly Lost Revenue$0.00
3-Year Lost Revenue$0.00

What's the Impact of Downtime?

Imagine your business is like a big machine that's always running. Now, what happens when that machine suddenly stops? That's what we call downtime! It's not just about losing money while you're offline - it can also make your customers unhappy and even damage your reputation. Our calculator helps you figure out just how much downtime could cost you.

Some Important Notes

  • Did you know that even 0.1% downtime can cost you big time? That's why companies aim for "five nines" (99.999%) uptime!
  • Downtime doesn't just affect your wallet. It can also make your customers lose trust in you, and that's harder to measure but super important!
  • Some of the biggest tech companies in the world can lose millions of dollars for every minute of downtime. That's why they invest so much in keeping their services up and running!

Uptime Percentages Explained

Uptime PercentageDowntime per Year
99%3.65 days
99.9%8.76 hours
99.99%52.36 minutes
99.999%5.16 minutes