What is Granim.js?
Granim.js belongs to JavaScript libraries category.
Granim.js is a lightweight JavaScript library for creating fluid and interactive gradient animations. It allows developers to easily create and animate complex gradients, including multiple color stops and directional changes. Granim.js supports various animation types, including linear and radial gradients, and can respond to...
Granim.js Performance Insights
2 websites
Websites using Granim.js
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Best Practices
Granim.js friendly technologies
Google Analytics
Google Font API
Open Graph
Elastic APM
Top Granim.js Alternatives
22 websites|22 uptime cardsLenis is a modern, lightweight smooth scrolling library designed to normalize the scrolling experience across different devices and browsers. It offers a fluid, native-like scrolling behavior with minimal configuration. Lenis supports both vertical and horizontal scrolling, and can be easily integrated with animation libraries for creating engaging scroll-based animations. Its performance-focused approach and customizable easing functions make it ideal for creating polished, responsive user interfaces in web applications where scroll experience is crucial.
11 websites|10 uptime cardsSweetAlert2 is a JavaScript library for creating beautiful, responsive, and customizable alert and modal dialog boxes. It offers a modern alternative to the browser's default alert() function, with features like animations, themes, and promise-based interfaces. SweetAlert2 is easy to implement and can significantly enhance the user experience of web applications by providing more engaging and informative popup messages.
1 website|1 uptime cardfullPage.js is a popular JavaScript library for creating full-screen scrolling websites, also known as single-page websites or one-page sites. It provides smooth, customizable scrolling between sections of a webpage, with support for horizontal sliders within sections. fullPage.js offers features like lazy loading of media, parallax effects, and responsive design. Its API allows for deep customization and event handling, making it suitable for creating engaging, storytelling websites, portfolios, and product showcases where immersive scrolling experiences are desired.
4 websites|4 uptime cardsA small and easy-to-use javascript library that helps you creating fluid and smooth transitions between your website's pages.
Locomotive Scroll
1 website|1 uptime cardLocomotive Scroll is a modern, opinionated JavaScript library for creating smooth scrolling experiences and advanced scroll-based animations. It offers a range of features including parallax effects, speed-based animations, and directional awareness. Locomotive Scroll stands out for its performance optimization techniques, such as using IntersectionObserver and RequestAnimationFrame for efficient animations. This library is particularly useful for creating engaging, scroll-driven websites with complex animations and interactions, often seen in portfolio sites, product showcases, and storytelling web experiences.